Madera has the bank fallout options to finance your property. Hard to find loans are available through Madera with our network of investors and institutional lenders.
We saved a property from foreclosure when the banks would not provide the loan extension. They wanted out of the loan. Our investor made a 25 year due in 10 years loan at 11.5%. Not bad when you consider the consequence of a foreclosure on a LTV of less than 50%. The banks don't get it but we do. We are working with the borrower on a lower rate loan.
When the note comes due and the lender will discount the principal amount owing, a hard to find loan is the alternative. We helped saved a borrower in BK $5 million on his loan.
Hard money loans can be used as a bridge to a lower rate in the future. Higher rates provide opportunity.
Call Bill 520-241-0969 or to get started please complete the attached residential loan application we use for all loan requests.